Philippines 2017

The Philippines Humanitarian Adventure was a trip filled with serving, laughing, adventuring and growing! Helping the children in Manila was truly life changing. To get to experience seeing first hand how helping others changes lives is a treasured memory forever!

Bali 2018

  Bali 2018 was a life-altering trip and experience as a whole. From feeding, cleaning, and caring for the elephants and other exotic animals to adventuring to places that will have an impact on my life forever! Being able to connect with these animals and people in such a majestic environment allowed me to gain a bigger perspective.

After this incredible adventure I hope to always be an advocate for caring for the people around us as well as the beauty of the world we get to live in. I’ll remember this Humanitarian Adventure trip to Bali for the rest of my life! Nothing beats experiencing excursions and all types of adventure to serving and providing humanitarian to those in need.